Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I Love Jotform!

Hi! You've reached our blog page. If you were looking for our business website, please go to:

If you were looking for the blog, fear not- you've come to the right place. Kick off your shoes and stay awhile. :-)


I don't watch much television but when I do, I typically turn away from the TV during the commercials. I'll look up something on my iPad, take a bathroom break, get a snack or just anything else than pay attention to the TV because, really, what are they selling? I already know I don't want it.

I have no ads on my site. I actually feel weird whenever I come across a business website advertising someone else's products. My first thought is, 'did they buy a new pool and had to find a way to take in extra money on the side?'

My point is, Delacroix Leather sells bracelets- nothing else. And yet, here I am with a shameless promotion of someone else's product. Fear not, it's actually free and actually does exactly what it says it will.

I was talking to my wife about business to business sales as I was building the Delacroix website. I told her that, really, many business to business sites look ten to fifteen years behind the times but it's OK because business people only care about two questions:

"What's the price?" and "Does it do what it says it will?"

Would Sam's Club or Home Depot be in business if we had to go on frills? No. We want the bottom line when we deal with other businesses.

So I'm promoting Jotforms. Yeah, I get something out of it (more free submissions per month for this review), but it's one of those rare products I don't mind promoting because it did a fantastic job at meeting my two questions that spring to mind when I deal with other businesses: what's the price (Free!) and does it do what it says it will (Easily, painlessly and hassle-free).

If you're that guy or gal tasked with making forms of any kind for your website, Jotform is a lifesaver.
Alright, back to business.


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