Tuesday, May 19, 2015

No shouting matches, match making.

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In my last post, I discussed how essential honesty is to sales. Now I'll discuss the value of being helpful.

Let's say you're watching your favorite television program and some lunatic barges into your living room, yelling at the top of his lungs. After the initial shock, you realize he's trying to sell you something. What do you do?

I mute the television or go to the kitchen for a snack.

I have no idea where the practice started, but somewhere along the lines someone sold a lot of stuff being the loudest- or that's just a myth. How else can we explain the constant intrusive bombardment of advertising in our daily lives?

But let's step back and ask ourselves: is it necessary? Must I know about oil rig services while I read a boring in-flight magazine? Must I know about a soda at the ballgame that I can't walk into a store without bumping into?

Selling doesn't have to be a shouting match. If you have something people need and want, they either know about it or will soon. That is the key to selling: needs and wants.

What we do when we sell is match what we have with what someone needs or wants. Business schools will tell you that sometimes you have to create a need, but I don't believe that idea to be true. People know what they need and want- we can't control that and shouldn't try to through ads. What we should do, must do, is match someone's needs and wants with what we have. If what we have doesn't meet their needs or wants then that's where it ends. 

It's a lot easier to sell a thirsty man water instead of a time-share in Florida.


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